4.5 stars
I wish I could have given this more, but the writing style was just not for me.
"As writer of the popular “Ask Eros” advice column, Simon Beck has an answer to every relationship question his readers can throw at him. When it comes to his own life, the answers are a little more elusive—until computer troubles introduce him to the newest and cutest member of his company’s IT support team. Simon may be charmed by Benji’s sweet and unassuming manner, but will he find the answer to the one relationship question he has never been able to solve: how to know when he’s met Mr. Right?"
Like I stated above I kept getting distracted by how awkward it was and would have to reread what I had just read; and this didn't happen just once, but multiple times.
But other than that I absolutely adored this book! It was a great mix of sweet and sexy. Simon and Benji's immediate connection was so believable and real; it never felt like "insta" anything. Even when the were in that period of being only friends because Simon was a dumb fuck at one point. But he quickly redeemed himself. It all felt sincere and I think that's what I loved most about this book.
The fact that these guys felt real and had insecurities and had real relationship worries and arguments, just like everybody else. There were no "perfect" characters that annoyed the shit out of you. There was no over the top plot line, nor was there any random action scene shoot out thrown in.
It was just a real couple having a real relationship, and I loved being able to see the after of the happily ever after. And seeing that the after was not chapters of them living a perfect life with no fighting and constant orgasms was really a huge plus for me.
It was an honest relationship that had so much love. They were thinking and talking about buying cat food, scrubbing grout, and other real life things after sex or in the shower together, and even when try were trying to sext (so hilarious!) It was just a really honest representation of living your life with the person you love.
I loved that the chapters opened with parts of the advice column I thought that was a really fun idea. I was obsessed with the text messages! Oh god they were things of beauty and made me laugh so hard.
Final Thought:
It was just a really fun and sweet book that will definitely be a reread for me.
3.5 stars
I really liked it, but I wanted more.
"Being a police detective is hard. Add the complication of being a werewolf subject to human prejudice, and you might say Ray Branigan has his work cut out for him. He’s hot on the trail of a killer when he realizes he needs help.
Enter Cal Parker, the beautiful half-fairy Ray’s secretly been in love with for years—secretly, because while werewolves mate for life, fairies...don’t. Ray needs Cal’s expertise, but it isn’t easy to concentrate with his mate walking around half-naked trying to publicly seduce him. By the time Ray identifies the killer—and sorts out a few prejudices of his own—it may be too late for Cal."
I don't know it just feels like there was something missing from the story, and it kept me from enjoying it as much as I could have.
Plus, as much as I liked both Ray and Cal I was annoyed by how long it took them to get together. And the reason(or Ray's reasons) why they "couldn't" be together.
I was absolutely enamored by Cal (Callalily how adorable is that name?!). He was just one of those characters that you fall in love with. I loved his obsession with sweets and how he would basically grab them from thin air. His whole personality was just so lovable and endearing; I really want to see more of him in the future.
Final Thoughts:
I liked this, but I like I stated earlier I think this could have been more. I'm not too sure if I'm going to read anymore of the series; I've read the other book synopses and they just didn't sound as interesting as this one did.
4 stars
I actually really really enjoyed this one!
Dear Author,
The ostrich is a shifter; the cheetah can be as well, if you desire. And this scene should appear in the story at some point. Have fun with it! I want to laugh.
Anything else you want to do with it is fine by me.
Photo Description:
In the picture we see a cheetah in full run, chasing an ostrich through a steppe-like landscape. The ostrich’s wings are spread, his feathers ruffled, as he tries to escape the faster, but physically weaker, cat. Above those two, we see the line SHITSHITSHITSHITSHITSHITSHITSHITSHIT.
This story was written as a part of the M/M Romance Group's "Love is an Open Road" event. Group members were asked to write a story prompt inspired by a photo of their choice. Authors of the group selected a photo and prompt that spoke to them and wrote a short story.
At first I was a little thrown off by Dji's attitude and hurtful actions, but once they reunited and got together(which was almost immediate) it started to really work for me.
I absolutely loved that Kei didn't take any shit from Dji, and that he didn't give in and immediately accept an apology. Kei not only made Dji apologize but he also voiced how hurt he was and what those hurtful actions caused; I love it when a couple fully communicates in books because to me it's just like in life, how can you and your partner grow or change if the reason you are being stunted is never addressed or resolved?
So that was a really fabulous point for the author to put in.
What really annoyed me was that Dji didn't go to Kei first not only about the pregnancy, but also about the fact that he could get pregnant. That just rang as immature and irresponsible to me, but I can almost forgive/forget it because of the anxiety and true fear that you could feel when Dji thought Kei wouldn't want to be with him any more because of his ability to get pregnant or because of the fact that he was pregnant. I sort of liked this vulnerable side to the confident and self assured ostrich.
A sequel any sequel or companion novel needs to come out because I am dying to see where the author takes these characters, especially Thony and Alan.
For more Love is an Open Road stories:
click here
2.5 - 3 stars
I have such mixed feelings with this read.
Island Chaptal—nerdy IT engineer by day, romance novel junkie by night—just walked into her messy New York apartment to find Mr. Right waiting for her. No, wait…Mr. Clean.
A gentleman professional killer with a bad case of OCD and zero tolerance for unsorted laundry, March isn’t there to kill her…yet. He wants the diamond her late mother stole for a sinister criminal organization. Island agrees to help him find it, facing the kind of adversaries who dismember first and ask questions later. Good thing she’s got March to show her the ropes. And the guns. And the knives.
The buttoned-up Island is soon having a blast racing from Paris to Tokyo following the clues in her mother’s will, and for the first time, she’s ready to get close to someone. But falling for a hit man may be the very definition of loving dangerously.…
Spotless marks the beginning of Island and March’s ongoing adventures.

On one hand I really enjoyed the mystery and action, but on the other I was slightly uncomfortable/unmoved by the "romance" portion.
I just couldn't see this as a romance early on, maybe in the later chapters I could see and almost understand it; but in the early chapters when she was thinking and making up scenarios about him and her I could not even begin to believe it. All of the early romantic thoughts just turned me off to them as an eventual couple.
But I will say that I was in love with all of the action-y killing scenes, that was the strong point of the entire story.
I will most likely read the rest of the series, mainly for the mystery aspect, but I genuinely hope that the author sells me on the romance. That cliffhanger has me pretty pumped for the next one in the series.
Final thoughts:
So I think that people who are interested in something different you should definitely check this one out.
4.5 stars
First things first, I want more. There is no way this world, or the characters in it, can be over. I feel like there are so many side characters that I am so eager to learn about; like Lars the pyro(how cool is that?!), the flirty and vicious Kennard, and the warrior historian Jacques.
**I have my fingers crossed**
"History isn’t always what it seems.
With the battle of Egypt behind them, Alec and Cronin are enjoying the thrill of new love. Though fate doesn’t wait long before throwing them back into the world of weird.
They know Alec’s blood is special, though its true purpose still eludes them. And given Alec’s inability to be changed into a vampire, Cronin is free to drink from him at will. But the ramifications of drinking such powerful blood starts a ripple effect.
With the help of Jorge, a disturbing vampire-child with the gift of foresight, Alec and Cronin face a new kind of war. This time their investigations lead them to the borders of China and Mongolia—but it’s not what lies in the pits beneath that worries Alec.
It’s the creator behind it all.
In the underground depths of China, amidst a war with the Terracotta Army, they will find out just what the Key is, and what Alec means to the vampire world."
Obviously the chemistry between Alec and Cronin is off the charts hot, but what we got in this book, that I felt was lacking in the other, was the HOT sex that equaled the chemistry they share in other aspects of their relationship.
Something that I wasn't a big fan of was the rushed portion dealing with **SPOILER**Genghis Khan and with Rilind**END OF SPOILER**. The lead up to the action was good, the fight with the Terracotta Soldiers was enjoyable, but the actual climax with the bad guy was so lackluster. But I will say the things **SPOILER**Alec's transformation**END OF SPOILER** after the "fight" with the bad guy was really good! So stressful but entirely worth it!
I'm the first one to say that I'm not the biggest fan of children in books, BUT I was in love with Jorge. To me he stole every scene that he was in, and I would love to read more about him and his back story. His creepiness and innocent "evilness" is what really drew me in.
I also really enjoyed the epilogue(like swooning butterflies in my stomach enjoyment). It was one of the most loving and heartwarming wedding/wedding vows scenes that I have read in a very longtime. It was such a great ending to such a great couple of books.
Definitely recommend reading this series.
The history, research, stress, and action is so engaging, that it feels like you are there rushing against the clock with them. But you are still getting the romance, affection, and love; I don't feel like one aspect of the book hinders the other, or eclipses the other. I feel like they all work together to make a perfect blend of romance, action, and history.